Is Virtual Reality Bad For Your Brain?

Video Transcription Virtual Reality seems like magic to many of us in just mere seconds. A special pair of goggles transports us from our mundane lives to a world where we can fly through space or fight zombies. However, for all the fun that is possible with virtual reality, one can’t help but wonder if […]

How will AI change the world?

Video Transcription In the coming years, artificial intelligence is probably going to change your life, and likely the entire world. But people have a hard time agreeing on exactly how. The following are excerpts from a World Economic Forum interview where renowned computer science professor and AI expert Stuart Russell helps separate the sense from […]

Your Brain On VR a Construct Of Reality

Video Transcriptions We already live in a construct of reality. So, the idea that we could create a virtual environment that is as real or less real is a complicated question, because — just because it’s virtual doesn’t mean it’s not real. Given enough complexity of the stimuli, it could be indistinguishable. Right now, we’re […]

How to Use The Bitcoin Lightning Network Wallet

A lightning network was created to be able to make faster bitcoin transactions. The reason for bitcoin’s slow transactions has to do with the blockchain network. The system was intended used by payment channels to be able to functions between different nodes in a network. The lightning wallet will accept the bitcoin after the payment […]