Blockchain for Kids Blockchain Explained for Beginners

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Jacob’s Christmas Wish Gets Fulfilled with the Help of Santa and Blockchain Technology

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Let me tell you a short story about a little fellow called Jacob, Since he could remember Jacob always wanted to get a blue cat, but his parents were always finding ways to not get it for him. So one Christmas he figured out a way to finally get his dream pet. He would send his wish to Santa. Oh, how excited he was when he wrote the letter, But Jacob was too young to take the letter to the post office by himself. So the next morning he had to ask his dad to do it for him. You could say that his dad was the middleman between Jacob and Santa. He never imagined that on his way to the post office, his dad would open the letter, read it and replace the blue cat on the list with a brand-new pair of socks. The letter was posted to the North Pole to Santa and the elves When they received it. They started working right away, making Jacobs a gift that year Jacob received an adorable pair of socks.

Blockchain for Kids | Blockchain Explained for Beginners

Jacob Sends His Christmas List to the North Pole Blockchain, Allowing Santa and Everyone Else to See It!

But the next Christmas Jacob decided to use the Blockchain Jacob wrote exactly the same letter, but instead of giving it to his mum or dad to deliver, he directly uploaded it to the “ North Pole Blockchain”, “ North Pole, Blockchain” is made up of a lot of Computers connected to one another through the Internet that all store a copy of everyone’s Christmas list. The network is being monitored at the same time by all the elves Santa himself and even people like Jacob’s parents. Every time a new letter is received, it is saved onto every individual computer, so everyone has the exact same copy As the blockchain is an open network. Everyone can see all the letters, even though it’s impossible to know to whom each one belongs, But when Jacob’s parents saw that there was a letter asking for a blue cat, it wasn’t hard for them to know that it was from Jacob.

Blockchain Prevents Tampering of Jacob’s Authentic Letter in Cookbook Alteration Attempt.

So once again, they changed it this time for a cookbook, But since every other node had a copy of Jacob’s genuine letter, the alteration was detected and the computer attempting to make the modification was disconnected from the network ensuring that Jacob’s authentic letter remained unaltered. So can you guess what Jacob received for Christmas that year?

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